I'm starting this blog for plain, simple personal enjoyment. I'll be starting a new career in a month that has required a HUGE adjustment for the family: moving from Beaverton, OR to Glendale, AZ; changing schools and friends for my two sons; my wife acquiring a new job; and me going back to school full-time for four years!
Ah medical school. Just the thought is all warm and cozy: competition for residencies, late nights studying for the boards, the smell of preserved and dissected bodies, etc. I start at AZCOM on August 30th. I even have a big sister now, about 15 years my junior LOL. Purchased most of my diagnostic equipment from Ebay last week and waiting for it to arrive so I can play dress up and start to feel like a real medical profession.
Residency is too far out to dwell on, but I would be remiss not to at least mention a couple thougths. At this point, I want to learn more about a bunch of specialties. I just don't know if primary care will cut it for me. Surgery is very intriguing, but I need to really understand the physical and lifestyle requirements. Procedural specialities like urology, cardiology and gastro are also interesting.
Well, I better get back to packing. ABF drops off a container in my driveway tomorrow. And there's a lot of packing left to do before then. Speaking of that, I'll be packing up my PC today too. I don't think I'll be posting before we move into our new house (with pool :) in Glendale around July 23rd. I'm sure I'll have something to say after taking a 1500 mile trek to San Diego (grandpa's), then Glendale, with dog, two boys, spouse and second car in tow. The travel bug is itching. I'm ready for an American family adventure...