Tuesday, December 21, 2004

How can a Quiz be so intimidating?

I'm on Xmas break with a million things to do both for school and home. However, top of the list is a little Phys online quiz that I have until midnight tonight to finish. Nice of them to assign it over break huh?

Once you log in you can't log off, you have to finish it in one sitting. I imagine it won't be too hard, but I've been procrastinating. I'm not caught up in Phys and didn't feel like i got a good grasp on the Lambert-Eaton Myasthenia Syndrome we're studying. And then there's the very real fear that my PC will crash before I finish. Or maybe it's that the kids playing video games in the same room as my PC has me distracted.

Whatever it is, these dumb little things somehow turn into big obstacles.

Oh, I also got back grades on Friday's tests. I received 94% on Anatomy (88% class avg.) and 86% (class avg.) on Histology. I'm satisfied with the Anatomy, but a bit disappointed in the Histology. My ace histologist study had it right when he called this test our 2nd hardest so far, though it didn't seem like it to me at the time. On the positive side, Histology is only 1.5 credits this quarter and now it's half over. All the more reason to do this quiz, get caught up in Phys and do my objectives in Biochem.

Monday, December 20, 2004

Trying out the new camera on Uncle Dan.

Becky and Colton at Lake Poway in SD.

The boys' favorite activity at Grandpa's, getting in trouble from the neighbors for sliding down the hillside.

Buddies Jane Clare and Colton

Another of Connor and Cooper

Grandpa with the cousins

Connor and Cooper

The boys and their cousins in SD

Sunday, December 19, 2004

Xmas Break

Still haven't received grades on Friday's Anatomy/Histology test. I think it went ok. I know I made some mistakes, but I did study very hard for it. Wednesday night was kinda fun since I studied with my old group. We had a fun time. Just like the old days (first quarter) we were too slow, but it was more enjoyable and kinda reinvigorated my study efforts.

Thursday I got 4 hours sleep and felt ok during the 3.5 hour test. Maybe I would have done a better job, like not mistaking the female UG triangle for the anal triangle (oops!) on one problem, but I doubt it.

Afterwards, I drove one of my study friends to his house and then the airport. I then picked up some clothes I had ordered at REI and packed for the 6 hour trip to San Diego. Becky and I weren't sure we wanted to go, but my Dad said he was really looking forward to seeing the kids. Twelve hours of driving (round trip) for about one day of visiting was expensive in terms of time and energy so I'm pretty sure this won't be a frequent weekend getaway.

We just got back a couple hours ago and both Becky and I are stressed about the amount of things we have to get done this Holiday break. She has to prepare for her mom and grandmother's visit over Christmas, study for the bar and work fulltime at St. Mary's. I have to get caught up in Phys and Biochem, do a bunch of stuff around the house, and finish off a long list of todo's.

The list includes finishing an online Phys quiz due tomorrow, finishing a Biochem presentation, researching a Phys case, previewing the Lower Extremity for Anatomy and (I really, really hope) getting my preceptorship check-offs done for the quarter.

Friday Dr. Hilts said I could come in a couple of half days over break which would free up every other Tuesday afternoon during the quarter and save me from the three hour round trip. That would be so great. I hate traffic! And what a waster; 3 hours of driving for a 1.5 hour preceptorship shadowing experience.

So time to get to bed. Lots to do over the next two weeks before "black January" starts. The MSIIs call it that and seeing how we have 7-8 big tests in the month of January, I can see why.

Becky and I are really going to be depending on her sister being a great nanny for us while I survive the hardest part of MSI and Becky studies for the California Bar.

Monday, December 13, 2004

It was a better week

I still didn't get as much studying accomplished as I would have liked, however it was definitely an improvement over the first week of the quarter. I'm doing ok in Anatomy. The big test is Friday, right before the Holiday break. So I have a few days left to prepare. I have a lot left to do, but since I can focus on just Anatomy it should be ok.

If it was a normal week and I had to keep up on Biochem and Physiology too I would be in trouble. I'm already way behind in Biochem. I'm so thankful we have two weeks over the Holidays to catch-up. I figure I have a good 40 hours of studying I need to put in. And that's with no review from last quarter at all!

Even better, my sister-in-law will be moving this month so come January, I should have a lot more freedom for studying. I still want to spend time with the kids and family, but I won't be forced to lose 5-9pm every night of the week.

Time to catch some shut eye. It's going to be a long week: Phys presentation, female invasive exam and the big Anatomy/Histo/Embro test for the pelvic and perineal regions (going to be glad to be done with this one!).

Sunday, December 05, 2004

Totally forgot!

The reason I decided to write yesterday was that we had our "White Coat" ceremony at AZCOM. I wasn't going to make a big deal of it, heck I didn't even to my undergraduate or graduate school graduation ceremonies. But my kids wanted to come because they are proud dad is becoming a doctor. Wow, now was an unexpected benefit of this whole ordeal.

I didn't realize how cool it is, and motivating, to have your kids be proud of what you're doing. It may have helped me get a good amount of studying in today. I'm not caught up by any means after several days of limited studying, but at least Anatomy is under control. Hopefully I can a healthy dent in reviewing last week's Phys and Biochem lectures tomorrow.

As for the actual ceremony, nothing to write home about. Boring speeches from faculty, long lines and ill-fitting short white coats. Heck, the school didn't even have to pay for them. But if the kids enjoyed it, I enjoyed it. That's it, just a nice and unexpected result of getting this far.

Saturday, December 04, 2004

Harder to get going this time...

The week started ok, but I've had a hard time getting back into the school/study routine. I can justify it by saying the Christmas shopping had to be done and just couldn't wait, but that wouldn't be entirely true.

I just hope that I can catch up this weekend. I have been doing some (probably too much) research for a Biochem presentation this evening. Tomorrow will be Anatomy. Then Sunday I need to get at least a review of my Phys and Biochem lectures in. I'm already feeling lost in those classes. The only bright spot is that I have the Xmas break to do some catching up.

Oh, and the Christmas shopping is mostly done :-).