Friday, October 15, 2004


We had a Boards & Wards evening that I helped arrange earlier this week. It helped to hear some upper classmen (esp. the MSIVs) talk about rotations, board test, grades, etc.

That made my mid-80's score in Biochem easier to take. I barely beat the average which is far less than I expect of myself. But I went to the review today to see what I did wrong.

First, I missed most of my points on one profs lectures (the dept heads) that I knew I hated. I failed his questions on the practice test and thought I had it down. Oops. Anyway, I don't think I'm going to Biochem lectures anymore. Definitely not the meidocre lecturers. Tomorrow, Dr. Yueh lectures and she's probably the best they have. So, even though I'd like to study Anatomy for Monday's test, I may go.

Speaking of Monday's test, we had two hours of heart embryology today, two days before the test! A hundred new terms and some pretty detailed 3-D development this late in the game sucks. I only got through a third of it tonight. At least I had both my Netter embryology atlas and the class text. It helped a bunch.

Time for a long weekend of studying. I'm determined to get back into the nineties and A territory. Oh, I got my PDA working on the school WiFi network today. Pretty cool. Time to learn how to synch up and load some medical software.

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