Wednesday, July 19, 2006

Experiences in Therapy

Today was fairly interesting. I spent the morning in the injection lab mosting talking with the nurse (a cool guy names Amos) about motorcycles, ATVs and fun outside of work. The weird was how normal these folks are when they stay on their Consta injections every 2 weeks. It's a pretty heavy antipsychotic, so they must need it. But you wouldn't pick them out of any crowd.

The afternoon was my first chance to sit in on some pure therapy sessions and a peds group session for boys 8-9 yrs old. It was nothing like the sterotypical Psychiatrist asking about childhood experiences or freudian analysis. Lots of basic coping skills and relationship tools. My last apt of the evening was with a charming, pretty girl who seemed just like any other teenager on the surface. However, she came from a traffic background and has fetal alcohol syndrome (she looked more like a model than the Path pictures of FAS that I remember). While she can't read or write well, she's made great strides in improving her self-confidence, independance, positive attitude and relationship boundries. You couldn't help but be charmed by her personality and strength of character given what she's been through.

Yesterday, I spent the day mostly talking meds with my Preceptor. Most of the cases were existing clients doing pretty well that needed minor adjustments to meds if anything. We also had a couple evaluations for new clients. These were like peeling the layers off the onion. Broken homes, distrustful relationships with guardians and poor anger management. Both cases ended up being diagnosed with ADHD and started on low dose Strattera. Definitely no quick fixes in most of these cases.

Back to the homeless shelter tomorrow...

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