Like I said yesterday, Family is looking pretty good. And if you keep up the OMM, you can always build up your patient base to do OMM full-time and increase your income $20-$50k per year from reduced insurance and overhead. In a rural environment, that wouldn't be too shabby. I could even take two hour lunches to get in a good swim or bike workout if there's no hospital bureaucrat babysitting.
Oh, got do to my first nerve block today. Injected some anesthetic into a patient's SI joint. Other than that, it was Fibromyalgia day. Lots of soft tissue OMM with myofascial release and counterstrain. Like asthma, there's a huge variation in severity, so some patients winced at the lightest touch while others handled muscle energy without any complaints. As you'd expect, these patients were using a fair amount of psychiatry drugs, so it was a little review from my last rotation.
Another weekend of chores, playing with the kids and cleaning up - but no studying for a Monday morning test!