Saturday, August 23, 2008

Second Month

Well August isn't officially over, but I'm now on vacation! Time to relax, sleep and exercise.

This month started with two weeks of ED shifts, eight at Hartford Hospital, three at Connecticut Children's Hospital and one EMS ride-along.

The first three shifts were exhausting. For three nights straight I worked for the first in large EDs. It was a little overwhelming learning new processes, staffs, Attendings, charting, locations of everything, etc. Oh, and I got to take on stroke patient whenever they dropped in (no traumas yet). At least that is over. I've now worked in every ED I will work in during residency.

I am a bit disappointed that I didn't get many procedures in. However, I did manage to learn a lot. And I haven't been very good at reading this month, that's something.

I also had three nights in a row. The shifts were fine, but getting back into a good sleep cycle has been more challenging. My pool closed, unfortunately giving me an easy excuse to not work out. Next time I have a series of night shifts, I will try to use exercise a little better and see if I can get back into a regular day cycle easier.

This last week has been Dentistry. I've learned a lot about giving oral nerve blocks. I'm confident I can numb up any area of the mouth to work on lip lacerations, provide comfort for broken teeth or just to get a patient through until Dentistry (OMFS) can see them. It was also very easy hours. With my mom in town for the weekend that has been nice.

Finally, my biggest time sink this month ahs probably been getting my new iPhone up to speed and organizing my music collection into iTunes. The latter is an ongoing project. I have a bout 11 GB rated and organized with probably another 10Gb or so to go. It's a project long past due.