Monday, January 24, 2005

How time flies

January is flying by. I've been studying at the Student Lounge in the evenings and weekends when I'm not in a group session somewhere (usually the library). So I haven't seen my family or had a many hcances to Blog.

The MSIIs call this "Black January" for good reason. We've had tests every week. I've had to study pretty much everyday. Having my sister-in-law living here has helped. Becky can study for the Bar and I can still get in more study time than last quarter. I'm averaging at least 3% higher so far and hope to maintain that through the quarter (if not more).

I just finished my male invasive exam and second Physiology test. Both went ok, so I'm taking a breather and getting some research done for this summer's project, a Phys case and USMLE I. Well, I'm procrastinating by updating this first and hope to get to those before I nod off.

There's more details to update, but they will have to wait - hopefully not for another month to pass.

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