Friday, February 04, 2005


I've got one of those killer headaches that is keeping me up. So I'm writing when I should be sleeping or studying Physiology. Other than the last couple hours, today has been pretty good though. However, I will take a paragraph or two get caught up to date.

We had our 2nd Biochem test on Monday. I studied very hard for it and though I did very well. I only missed 3 multiple choice questions and one maching (rec'd 13.5 out of 14) for a total of about 91%. I was hoping for better, but I'll take this one.

Then is was a mad rush to prepare for our hardest Anatomy test yet. We had no Histology or Embryology, but neck, face, eyes and cranium was more than enough. The class has pretty stressed out this week to say the least.

The written portion this morning was hard. Many of my classmates agreed with me that they had never had so many question circled to review at the end. This is also the first time I've almost ran out of time. I hope I did well, but wouldn't be surprised to in the 80's on that part. The practical was easier than I expected. I know I missed one or two, but the bonus were pretty easy. I am hoping to have a solid 90% or more that portion to pull an A out. Anyway, it is over. Now on to our final, and from MSIIs reports, hardest Anatomy test yet. And that one will have Histology on it - my only chance to pull up my 86% from the first test.

After the test I cleaned the yard a bit, got a haircut and went for a run with the bog. First time in about three weeks. It felt great. Then I got caught up on e-mail enjoyed a dinner with the family (after missing several this week). I even had a glass of wine, which I may be paying for right now. I took a nap afterwards and before this headache started to flare up, I read some OMM and organized my notebooks for the push through finals.

Time for sleep now, and hopefully relief. It's going to be a long weekend and I need to be clear headed. I feel totally lost in vascular Physiology at the moment and didn't get the reading done tonight as I hoped. I missed 3 lectures to study for Biochem and Phys, so there's a lot of new material to cover.

Tomorrow is the end of week eight!

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