Sunday, May 25, 2008

Two weeks to go!

It's been a relaxing couple of weeks. Some exercising and lots of video games along with a ton of errands for the Connecticut home purchase. There's also been a fair number of things to do for graduation and in preparation for residency: health checks; exit surveys; and paperwork.

The bottom line is that we've purchased a second home in CT, leased out this house and got most of our ducks in a row for a June 6th graduation followed by a June 8th truck loading and June 9th departure for a six day minivan trek across the country. We are getting a dual screen DVD player, and hopefully a satellite radio for the 52-hour drive with the family and two dogs. It's about 2700 miles. We may even get to visit some of my relatives along the way, in Chicago and Wheeling, WV.

But that after we fill 40 small boxes, 40 medium boxes, 25 large boxes, 6 wardrobe boxes, 2 dish boxes, then load them, furniture, household belongings and a Honda Accord into 32' of container truck.

Yes it's going to be a very busy two weeks. Before we even get to CT for unloading, getting organized and starting residency, but it's exciting. The adrenalin is starting to kick in.

It's weird to think that in less two weeks I will forever be referred to as Dr. Grady.

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