Tuesday, January 01, 2008

Christmas 2007

My dad and stepmother came into town from California and stayed for a few days. It's always fun to have company for the big holidays and this was no exception. For Christmas Eve we started a new tradition of having salmon and then had a more standard honey-baked ham on Christmas Day.

Christmas Eve we let the boys open their presents from relatives and us. They knew the bikes were the big ticket item, but we pleased to get two of their most desited Xbox 360 games and a few appropriate books. I gave Grandpa a hilarious book from the Onion called Our Dumb World that the adults laughing to tears while the boys tried out their new games.

Christmas morning we had our traditional one present from Santa and several "love presents" in their stockings. The one present was the hard-to-get present for 2007 that we managed to snag from at a local vendor. Rock Band doesn't have as many good songs as we expected or would like, but the kids love using the guitar, drums and microphone to score points (get fans). In the sleep-overs they have had with friends since Christmas, they played for hours screeching out REM, the Clash and the Who. It is quite funny to watch and hear.

I started playing an online game on the PC afterwards as a way to procrastinate from studying for my PE exam on Friday the 28th. That and buying replacement tubes for bikes.

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