Sunday, December 05, 2004

Totally forgot!

The reason I decided to write yesterday was that we had our "White Coat" ceremony at AZCOM. I wasn't going to make a big deal of it, heck I didn't even to my undergraduate or graduate school graduation ceremonies. But my kids wanted to come because they are proud dad is becoming a doctor. Wow, now was an unexpected benefit of this whole ordeal.

I didn't realize how cool it is, and motivating, to have your kids be proud of what you're doing. It may have helped me get a good amount of studying in today. I'm not caught up by any means after several days of limited studying, but at least Anatomy is under control. Hopefully I can a healthy dent in reviewing last week's Phys and Biochem lectures tomorrow.

As for the actual ceremony, nothing to write home about. Boring speeches from faculty, long lines and ill-fitting short white coats. Heck, the school didn't even have to pay for them. But if the kids enjoyed it, I enjoyed it. That's it, just a nice and unexpected result of getting this far.

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