Monday, July 17, 2006

On a roll

Two days in a row! Actually not that much interesting happened today, but enough for a quick note.

I saw a real 'cutter' today. Her forearms were covered with more scar tissue than normal skin. One self-mutilation from a few days ago was still open, deep and oozing, but she kept mentioning how nicely it was closing up. Yikes.

I then spent the afternoon visiting several wards at Western State Hospital. That is one bizarre and gigantic place. There are thousands of 'clients' at that place and probably twice as many employees. I have a lot or respect for those people that go into that depressing environment everyday and try to manage that population. I'm realizing that I would rather deal with the terminally ill than the demented and delirious.

On the plus side, most of our clients that were willing to see us were very lucid and alert. A couple should be ready for discharge soon.

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